Adams Broadwell Joseph & Cardozo represents building trades councils and other construction craft union consortiums in drafting, negotiating, administering and enforcing construction industry prehire collective bargaining agreements. ABJC attorneys have negotiated hundreds of project labor and community workforce agreements and maintenance agreements on private residential, commercial, retail and industrial projects throughout California, including agreements covering construction of large and complicated industrial facilities, manufacturing plants, power generation facilities, military base reuse projects, large-scale mixed-use communities, high rise towers, private educational campuses and professional sports arenas.
ABJC also represents construction unions in the negotiation and adoption of public sector project labor agreements on individual public works projects as well as agreements covering entire public agency capital improvement programs. In addition to serving the agency’s proprietary interest in efficient construction, the firm has designed community workforce provisions to facilitate use of these agreements to advance the agency’s workforce training and employment goals. These community workforce provisions ensure that public construction dollars create employment opportunities for local workers, recruit and train workers from disadvantaged communities and underrepresented populations, provide pre-apprentice and apprentice training opportunities for the formerly incarcerated, at-risk youth and returning military veterans, among other labor and workforce objectives.
The firm also represents labor unions in the development, adoption and enforcement of state and local policies and regulations governing prevailing wages, skilled and trained workforce requirements, apprenticeship training, local hire, contractor prequalification and responsible bidder requirements and other labor standards and contractor requirements.